Mens Restroom Sign with Dynamic Wheelchair Symbol of Accessibility
Mens Restroom ADA Signs - 6" x 8" - NY/CT Required Dynamic Wheelchair Icon
Men's Bathroom ADA Sign with Tactile Text, Male Gender Symbol, Dynamic Wheelchair Symbol, and Braille - 6" x 8"
Use this Men's Wheelchair Accessible Bathroom sign to designate restroom facilities for men only that are also accessible by wheelchair users. Sign features the dynamic-style wheelchair icon required by New York and Connecticut law, and increasingly popular elsewhere as a contemporary alternative symbol of accessibility.

"The signs are perfect!!"
ADA Compliant Mens Wheelchair Accessible Restroom Sign
- NY/CT compliant dynamic wheelchair icon of accessibility
- ADA compliant font and tactile (1/32 inch raised) letters and pictograms
- ADA compliant size and letter height
- ADA compliant domed Grade 2 Braille
- Mounting ADA Compliance Signs: While we include foam tape on the back side of our signs, we recommend ADA signs always be mounted using either fasteners or a construction grade silicone adhesive, such as Lexel. For signs larger than 6" x 6" the foam tape we provide is intended only as an aid for positioning the sign while using fasteners or adhesive for mounting. For correct positioning and mounting heights, view or download our ADA Sign Mounting Guide
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