Handicap Parking Signs
Official Federal, California, and State Specific Handicapped Parking Signs
Making your parking lot and pedestrian paths on your property accessible to everyone is the law. And with the ongoing challenge of accessibility related lawsuits in many states, ADA Compliant Handicap Parking Signs are essential. Accessible, properly and legally signed parking and building entrances are also good business. The largest minority in America today is people with disabilities, and they represent over 54 million consumers. Using the correct Federal, California, or other State Specific ADA handicap parking signs to designate parking spaces reserved for handicapped customers and visitors to your business is part of efficiently utilizing your parking area. Your parking lot has a direct and significant impact on the bottom line and the success of your business. Buying and installing professionally manufactured and legally correct handicapped parking signage is a small investment that pays your business big dividends, every day for many years.

“Great experience!! Quick production and shipping. Product looks great!"
Handicap/Disabled ADA Parking Signs and Accessibility Guide Signs from ADA Sign Depot
- Heavy-gauge rust-free aluminum
- Rated for over 10 years of no fading outdoor service
- Engineer Grade Prismatic Reflective sign face
- Most Signs are in stock for Same or Next Day Shipping
“Great company - fast shipping.”
Parking Lot Maintenance for Retail Businesses: It Starts with ADA Compliant Parking Signs
Accessible Parking: What It Means
In order for a parking space to be fully usable and accessible, all elements of the space must be free of obstructions: the vehicle spaces, the access aisles, the curb ramps, and the routes that connect the parking areas to the accessible entrances of the building. Lack of maintenance of any one of those elements can make the whole space inaccessible, and in some cases can be grounds for a lawsuit. For example, for a wheelchair user to exit her car or van, she must place her wheelchair in the access aisle, transfer herself from the car seat to her wheelchair, and then roll backward in the access aisle to provide clearance to close the car door. If another car parks in the aisle or if a plow loads the aisle with snow, the wheelchair user does not have sufficient room to get out of her car. That parking space the business owner invested in restriping and buying legal handicap parking signs for is now useless to this customer.
Maintenance List for Retail Parking Lots
- Remove obstacles, including shopping carts, maintenance equipment, and cars without designated license plates or placards, from parking spaces and access aisles as soon as possible.
- Clear completely snow, ice, mud, and leaves from accessible parking spaces whenever plowing or clearing the rest of the parking area. Be sure that cleaning crews do not pile snow or gravel in the accessible parking spaces, access aisles, and curb ramps.
- Maintain curb ramps and sidewalks to prevent large cracks and uneven surfaces from forming.
- Keep the accessible route from the parking area to the store’s entrance clear of obstacles that either block or narrow the route.
How Do I Paint (Stripe) My Parking Lot?
Business owners and property manager have a lot to contend with. ADA regulations are broad and can have tremendous impact on your business and property. Consider the questions about just one topic: Parking spaces for your business.
- How many parking spaces must be designated as reserved for people with disabilities?
- How many of those handicap parking spaces need to be Van Accessible?
- What signs must each parking space display?
- How should the parking spaces, and your parking lot, be painted, also called “striped”?
How Do I Get a Handicapped Parking Permit?
The pain or disability you are suffering from does not necessarily have to be a chronic or permanently debilitating illness for you to qualify to receive a handicapped parking permit. Often persons with disabilities, both temporary and permanent, either never apply, or wait too long to apply, for a handicapped parking placard. People with “invisible” disabilities (disabilities that do not necessarily express outwardly) may fear being mistaken for an abuser of handicapped parking privileges. Being able to legally park in designated handicap parking spaces closer to stores, restaurants, schools and offices helps alleviate mobility challenges faced by many persons with disabilities.
For links or forms to apply for a handicapped parking permit, visit How to Apply for a State Handicap Parking Permit on the ADA Sign Depot Blog.
ADA Sign Depot Announces ADA Compliant Parking Signs and ADA Guide Signs Now Available Online
Heavy-Gauge Reflective Aluminum Parking Lot Signs With Anti-Graffiti/Anti-Weather Protection Show No Fading After 15 Years of Outdoor Use
SAN DIEGO — August 19, 2013 — Today ADA Sign Depot announced their full product lines of California compliant and Federally compliant ADA handicapped parking signs and ADA path-of-travel signs are available for direct online purchase by individuals, businesses and commercial property managers.“We’ve added one of the oldest and largest California traffic safety firms as our key supplier of high-quality disabled parking signs. We have our parking signs made with 3M Engineer Grade Prismatic reflective sheeting on heavy-gauge, .080 thick aluminum. Then we go the extra-step of laminating the sign face with 3M 1160a protective film,” said David Boyne, sales manager at ADA Sign Depot, San Diego. “In the past, if a parking sign or a wheelchair accessible route sign was tagged by graffiti or defaced with labels, people had no choice but to buy and mount new signs. Now, if a parking sign from ADA Sign Depot gets tagged, our customers can simply use a mild detergent to wash away the graffiti. If vandals put labels on our signs, the 1160a laminate acts like Teflon. The labels can be peeled right off, with no damage to the sign face. This saves money, time, and the hassle of replacing vandalized parking signs.”
ADA Sign Depot keeps an inventory of California code compliant disabled parking signs, such as the R99C and R100B Tow-Away signs, and ADA guide signs, such as wheelchair ramp and wheelchair accessible path-of-travel signs. The goal is to make fast delivery the standard. Boyne said, “Our ecommerce website makes it easy. Any small business owner, property manager, corporate or individual buyer, can select and purchase the correct, legally compliant California or National handicapped parking signs they need. And we usually ship the same day or the next day.”
A Reputation for Consistent Excellence from ADA Sign Depot
These ADA parking signs and ADA guide signs are made of high-quality materials specified by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Boyne explained, “We manufacture all our parking lot signs with the same high-quality materials, and to the same standards as our California-compliant and Federal MUTCD-compliant signs.” He added, “We make our custom parking and property management signs the same way. And we have no minimum order for custom signs. Whether you need just one sign, ten signs, or 100 signs.” Boyne added, “Business owners and property managers know how important their parking lot is. The parking lot, approaches, and entrances to your business are where customers, visitors and clients form their first impression. A well-organized and well-maintained parking lot makes a direct contribution to the bottom line. Using legally compliant handicapped parking signs and ADA guide signs is not only the law. It’s good business.”
ADA Compliant Parking Sign Availability
Consumers and corporate buyers can now access ADA Sign Depot’s new ecommerce store 24/7 at: https://www.ADASignDepot.com
For more information:
David Boyne
(858) 385-9095