ADA Exit Signs
ADA Compliant Tactile Braille Exit Signage
Why are Exit Signs so important? It's easy to take them for granted. Until there is an emergency. To enable the most efficient, regulations must be followed in the design and installation of ADA exit signs. It can be helpful to think of Exit Signs as fitting in two broad categories. Directional Exit Signs are posted in corridors and hallways, or in large rooms and spaces. These signs provide directions to the nearest exit, often using arrows along with tactile text, Braille and pictograms (symbols). Doorway Exit Signs are only mounted adjacent to actual exit doors. This can included exits that lead to stairs or ramps, which in turn lead to building exits. There are specialized ADA exit signs required, such as Exit Stair Down or Exit Ramp Up. Illuminated or other non-tactile exit signs which indicate an actual exit should be accompanied by a tactile Braille Exit sign. But such signs when mounted in hallways or large spaces, and serve only to direct people to a way out, do not need a tactile sign.

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California ADA Exit Signage
DSA ─ 2011 California Access Compliance Reference Manual 51 SECTION 1011 EXIT SIGNS: Tactile exit signs shall be required at the following locations: 1. Each grade-level exterior exit door shall be identified by a tactile exit sign with the word, “EXIT” 2. Each exit door that leads directly to a grade-level exterior exit by means of a stairway or ramp shall be identified by a tactile exit sign with the following words as appropriate: A. “EXIT STAIR DOWN” B. “EXIT RAMP DOWN” C. “EXIT STAIR UP” D. “EXIT RAMP UP” 3. Each exit door that leads directly to a grade-level exterior exit by means of an exit enclosure that does not utilize a stair or ramp, or by means of an exit passageway, shall be identified by a tactile exit sign with the words, “EXIT ROUTE” 4. Each exit access door from an interior room or area that is required to have a visual exit sign, shall be identified by a tactile exit sign with the words, “EXIT ROUTE” 5. Each exit door through a horizontal exit shall be identified by a tactile exit sign with the words, “TO EXIT”