ADA Entrance Signs
Wheelchair Symbol of Accessibility Signs for Marking Building Entrances
First impressions are important. Entrances to a business or public property need to be safe and welcoming, and there must be one or more entrances that are wheelchair accessible. Ideally, every entrance would be accessible. But this is not always possible. Which is why providing ADA Entrance Signs, including guide signs and wayfinding signs that direct customers and visitors to accessible entrances, is part of professionally managing a property and making a business ADA compliant.
ADA Signs for Entrances typically include the wheelchair symbol for accessibility. In fact, very often the symbol of accessibility sign, or sometimes used as a window decal, is often all that is needed to mark an ADA compliant entrance. But experience has taught us that just as often, a building or interior entrance can be unique, in approach, type of door, amount of traffic, or how it is used. That’s why we manufacture many versions of the Wheelchair Symbol Sign, whether in standard ADA acrylic or in brushed aluminum for indoors, or reflective aluminum to provide many years of outdoor service. And yes, we do custom ADA entrance signs, too.

“ADA Sign Depot has the quality signs I'm looking for and I never have any issues."
ADA Guidelines for Entrances
4.14.1 Entrances required to be accessible shall be part of an accessible route complying with 4.3. Such entrances shall be connected by an accessible route to public transportation stops, to accessible parking and passenger loading zones, and to public streets or sidewalks if available. They shall also be connected by an accessible route to all accessible spaces or elements within the building or facility. 4.14.2 Service Entrances. A service entrance shall not be the sole accessible entrance unless it is the only entrance to a building or facility (for example, in a factory or garage).
From the United States Access Board...
4.3 Accessible Route. 4.3.1* General. All walks, halls, corridors, aisles, skywalks, tunnels, and other spaces that are part of an accessible route shall comply with 4.3.
4.3.2 Location.
(1) At least one accessible route within the boundary of the site shall be provided from public transportation stops, accessible parking, and accessible passenger loading zones, and public streets or sidewalks to the accessible building entrance they serve. The accessible route shall, to the maximum extent feasible, coincide with the route for the general public.
(2) At least one accessible route shall connect accessible buildings, facilities, elements, and spaces that are on the same site.
(3) At least one accessible route shall connect accessible building or facility entrances with all accessible spaces and elements and with all accessible dwelling units within the building or facility.
(4) An accessible route shall connect at least one accessible entrance of each accessible dwelling unit with those exterior and interior spaces and facilities that serve the accessible dwelling unit.
Appendix C California Building Code
1117B. Entrance signs. All building and facility entrances that are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities shall be identified with a minimum of one International Symbol of Accessibility and with additional directional signs, utilizing the symbol, at junctions where the accessible route of travel diverges from the regular circulation path, to be visible to persons along approaching circulation paths. Entrances which are not accessible shall have directional signage complying with Section 1117B.5.1, Items 2 and 3, which indicates the location of and route to the nearest accessible entrance.
1117B.5.8 Symbols of accessibility. 1117B.5.8.1 International Symbol of Accessibility. The International Symbol of Accessibility shall be the standard used to identify facilities that are accessible to and usable by physically disabled persons as set forth in these building standards and as specifically required in this section. See Figure 11B-6. Exception: Signs need not be provided for facilities within an adaptable dwelling unit, or within an accessible patient or guest room.