South Florida State Handicap Parking Sign - Reflective Parking Signs
Southern Florida State Handicap Parking Signs
South Florida State Handicap Parking Sign - 12" x 18" - Reflective Aluminum Parking Signs
Making your parking lot accessible for disabled Floridians is the law. And it's also smart, as studies have proven that a parking lot in access compliance will have a direct impact on the bottom line and success of a business.
While most states use the Federal R7-8 Handicapped Parking Sign, some states, such as Florida, require the use of a state-specific disabled parking sign. Florida has two state-specific designs for its handicap parking signs. This South Florida handicap parking sign can be found throughout Florida, although it is more commonly used in Southern Florida.
View/order the other Florida State-specific Handicap Parking Sign
Florida Handicapped Parking Signs and Guide Signs from ADA Sign Depot:
- Rated for at least 7 Years Outdoor Service Without Fading
- 3M Engineer Grade Prismatic Reflective Sign Face
- Heavy-Gauge .063 Rust-Free Aluminum
- Pre-Drilled Holes for Easy Mounting on Posts, Walls, Fences
- Meets all State and Federal MUTCD Codes
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