ADA Text/TTY Telephone Sign with Tactile Phone and Keyboard Symbols - 8" x 8"
Text (TTY) Telephone Symbol ADA Signs - 8" x 8"
ADA Compliant Texting/Keyboard Telephone Sign with Tactile Phone Symbol, Text and Grade 2 Braille - 8" x 8"
A TTY is a special device that lets people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-impaired use the telephone to communicate, by allowing them to type text messages. A TTY is required at both ends of the conversation in order to communicate. People who are deaf and those who are hard of hearing can be individuals with disabilities within the meaning of the ADA.ADA Text Telephone Symbol Sign - Tactile Telephone and Keyboard Symbol
- ADA compliant non-glare matte finish
- ADA compliant font and tactile (1/32 inch raised) pictograms (symbols)
- Symbol-Only (no wording) and informational or direction signs such as this do not require Braille
- Our high-quality yet economically priced plastic ADA and Title 24 Signs are guaranteed to pass inspections performed by California Certified Access Specialists--or your money back.
Texting Telephone Symbol Signs from ADA Sign Depot
Between 2000 and 2004, estimates of the number of people in the United States with a self-described "hearing difficulty" ranged from 28.6 million to 31.5 million. The number of individuals with hearing difficulty is expected to rise rapidly as the baby-boomer generation reaches and passes age 65. As compared to other age groups, the percentage of individuals with hearing difficulty is greatest among those individuals age 65 and above. A "hearing difficulty" can refer to the effects of many different hearing impairments of varying degrees. Relevant keywords: TTY, text telephone, voice carry-over telephone, or captioned telephoneYou may also be interested in
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